OSU Phi Beta Kappa Chapter Stipulations
Eligible Majors - Liberal Arts and Sciences:
- American Sign Language Studies (ASLS)
- American Studies (AMST)
- Art (ART)
- Biochemistry (BIOC)
- Biology (BIO)
- Chemistry (CHEM)
- Comm. Sciences & Disorders (CDIS)
- Computer Science (CS)
- Economics (ECON)
- English (ENGL)
- French (FREN)
- Geography (GEOG)
- Geology (GEOL)
- Geophysics (GPHY)
- Geospatial Information Science (GSIS)
- German (GRMN)
- Global Studies (GLST)
- History (HIST)
- Mathematics (MATH)
- Medicinal Chemistry (MCHM)
- Microbiology (MCMB)
- Multidisciplinary Studies (MLTI)
- Music (MUSI)
- Music Education (MSED)
- Philosophy (PHIL)
- Physics (PHYS)
- Physiology (PHSL)
- Plant Biology (PLB)
- Political Science (POLS)
- Psychology (PSYC)
- Sociology (SOC)
- Spanish (SPAN)
- Statistics (STAT)
- Theatre (TH)
- University Studies (UNST)
- Zoology (ZOOL)
Required Coursework
The student's record shall include coursework in the liberal arts and sciences equivalent to at least three-quarters of the credits ordinarily required for a bachelor's degree in these fields. The liberal arts and sciences encompass the traditional disciplines of the natural sciences, mathematics, social sciences, and humanities. Select courses in other programs of study may be included only if they unambiguously embody the liberal arts and sciences, as assessed by the Committee on Members in Course.
To be considered, students must have completed a minimum of 90 credit hours (the minimum for senior status) prior to the current semester. Students must also have completed at least 3 semesters of coursework at OSU.
Grade Point Average
Must maintain 3.7 or Higher.
Math Requirement
The student's record shall include one or more of the following courses:
- MATH 1483 or higher
- STAT 2013 or higher
- PHIL 1313 or 3003
- CS 1113
AP or CLEP credit for calculus or other courses on this list will satisfy this requirement.
Foreign Language
The student's record shall include completion of at least the first 12 hours of a modern or classical language, including ASL. This means at least 6 hours of credit on the 2000 level (5 hours under the earlier numbering system). Students would need to complete the following courses, or place out of them, or take at least one course at a higher level:
- for French, German and Spanish, 2713 + 2723
- for Greek and Latin, and Chinese and Japanese, 2713 + 2813
- for ASL, 2113 + 2713
Courses taught in English and typically designed for non-majors, such as literature in translation, will count for breadth in the liberal arts but not for this requirement. The excluded courses are CHIN 4113; FLL 2103, 2203, 2443, 3103, 3113; FREN 2503; GREK 4113; LATN 4113; RUSS 3123, 4113, 4123; the cross-listed RUSS 3003, 3053. Equivalent AP or CLEP credit will satisfy this requirement.