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The Honors College

Honors Courses

The Honors College offers approximately 120 honors courses per semester in a variety of subject areas.

Honors Sections

An honors section of a course may be smaller in size than its general university counterpart. It may also entail greater breadth/depth or adopt a unique vantage on the subject at hand. Honors sections provide the opportunity to study alongside fellow honors students.


Honors Add-Ons

An honors add-on is typically a one-credit-hour class taken alongside a particular general university course to “convert” the hours associated with that course (sometimes referred to as the “parent” course) to honors. (For example, if you take a one-credit-hour honors add-on alongside its associated three-credit-hour general university course, you will earn three honors hours/points.)  Honors add-ons are typically designed to complement the content of the parent course, adding an honors dimension. You may only take an add-on if you are also taking its associated parent course.


Honors Seminars

Honors seminars are at the heart of honors learning. Small, often interdisciplinary classes, they tend to be student centered and discussion based. They approach a wide range of fascinating topics. All honors students are required to take two seminars over the course of their honors degree. Seminar offerings change from semester to semester. Honors seminars are often—though not always—indicated by the HONR prefix.


Honors Contracts

An honors contract is a mechanism for adding an honors dimension to a course or section that is not already an honors course. The contract is an agreement between the individual student and the professor in the class for which honors credit is desired. This agreement identifies a project that the student will complete under the faculty member's supervision. Instructions for setting up an honors contract can be found here


Complete Lists of Honors Sections, Add-Ons and Seminars, with Descriptions


Spring 2025 Seminars Draft 6

Spring 2025 All Honors Courses With Descriptions Draft 7


FALL 2025

Fall 2025 Seminars Draft 5

Fall 2025 All Honors Courses With Descriptions Draft 6