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The Honors College

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Why Honors?

Information for prospective students interested in the Honors College experience.

About the Honors College

The Honors College at Oklahoma State University provides driven undergraduate students with small classes (most limited to 22 students). These courses focus on developing oral and written communication skills, thinking about problems in unconventional ways, and fostering confidence in the classroom.


Honors College students enjoy a more personalized academic experience in addition to having access to the numerous resources of a large, land-grant institution. Taught by some of the most distinguished teaching faculty on campus, honors courses are highly interactive, discussion-based classes that engage students in an active and supportive learning environment. 


Additional Opportunities and Benefits

Honors College students enjoy a number of fringe benefits for their participation, such as:

  • Priority enrollment beginning in their second semester
  • The option to live in honors housing
  • Access to the honors computer lab and student activity room in historic Old Central
  • Special honors advising from an Honors College staff member.


Students also have opportunities and are encouraged to take advantage of learning experiences that occur outside the classroom, including study abroad, volunteer work, research, leadership activities, internships, and special Honors College events. For more information about Honors College events, click here.


What can you hope to gain as an Honors College student?

As an Honors College student, you will be welcomed into a supportive and diverse community and invited to attend special programs and events. You will have the opportunity to pursue courses that feed your intellectual interests. Honors courses are interdisciplinary, further allowing you to expand your academic interests and develop your academic and professional skills. Our Honors advisors serve as a resource by guiding students through their academic journey. Through our Honors courses and community, students will build lasting and meaningful connections with their peers, faculty, and Honors staff. 


What does the ideal Honors student look like?

We do not expect our students to maintain perfect grades or to never have a bad day. We do encourage our students to challenge themselves and view their mistakes not as failures, but as another learning opportunity. The Honors College expects its students to contribute positively to their academic environment, and aspire to excellence with personal and professional integrity.

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